Delegate FAQs


Providers and pharmacists have the ability to authorize office personnel or pharmacy staff to assist in pulling patient utilization reports.

Licensed healthcare professionals such as pharmacy technicians, pharmacy interns, nurses, registered dental hygienists, and other staff trained in HIPAA laws, such as front office staff, and medical or dental assistants may register for a CSPMP account as a delegate.

Yes, delegates can pull patient utilization reports for multiple medical providers/pharmacists, called a “supervisor” in the CSPMP report tool. Delegates must ensure the correct supervisor is selected when pulling patient utilization reports. If not, the CSPMP system will not credit the appropriate provider with a look-up, even if the supervisor viewed the report.

No, delegates must register for their own CSPMP accounts to pull patient utilization reports. It is against the law to share account login credentials.

Before pulling a patient utilization report as a delegate, your supervisor must approve you as their delegate in their CSPMP account. If you don't see your supervisor listed in the drop-down menu when you try to run a patient utilization report, it means that you haven't been approved as a delegate by your supervising provider yet.

Each state CSPMP has their own statutes regarding who can access CSPMP data in their state. As a delegate, you may not have access to other state’s data. If you do not see a state you are looking for in the list, that state does not allow access to out of state delegates and your supervising physician may need to pull the report through their own account.

To access the CSPMP, you need to be approved by a supervisor who already has an active account. The email address you provide for your supervisor must match the one listed in the supervisor's account. If you are pulling reports for multiple supervisors, you will need to add each supervisor's email address to whom you will be a delegate. Your supervisor will receive a request for approval (see below), and they will need to approve you as their delegate before you can pull patient utilization reports for them.


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When a delegate is registered to use the CSPMP under multiple supervisors, he or she must select the supervisor treating the patient. If not, the CSPMP system will not credit the appropriate supervisor with a look-up, even if the supervisor viewed the report. 


***Please, be sure to select the correct supervisor from the drop-down selection list!

  1. Log in to your AWARxE account
  2. Select Menu in the top left corner
  3. Select My Profile under User Profile on the left
  4. Scroll down to Supervisors
  5. Enter the email address that is associated with the Supervisor’s CSPMP account
  6. Click the Add button
  7. Click the Save Changes button and a request for approval will be sent to your supervisor

To have your existing account updated, please complete a change form through our website. The link to the change forms is provided here:


***Please select the correct change form based on your user role in the CSPMP!


No. Due to credentialing requirements, only providers and pharmacists are able to utilize CSPMP integration via Gateway (integrated product). All delegates must use the CSPMP through the AWARxE website at: